Malistaire's in-game model
I texted Marisa earlier today to see if we can play some Wizard when she is free. When she responded she said she was free! Later on, we started it up and got to dragonspyre and grinded the questline and then we were right there, in front of the man himself! After going through the enemies leading up to him, we excitedly took selfies in game and started up the fight. Unfortunately we fought him with the wrong spell deck, as we use one deck for speed clearing the mobs and another for boss fights. Considering that we're both Death Wizards, and that Malistaire was himself a death wizard, we were in trouble if we didn't do enough damage. This is because when you use a spell of any school on an enemy of the same school, they take decreased damage. Luckily we had enough prism cards to get through and kill him. The prism card basically converts the spell from one school to another, which allowed for us to turn our disadvantageous attacks into advantageous attacks (from death to life). It was awesome to be able to quest and beat the first Act together! It was kinda funny that we both forgot to take him on at our best, but I guess that's what happens you're so excited.