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The Beauty of Juxtaposition

In the music video for Monolith by Twin Tribes (YT Link), there is a very interesting scene around 3:45 until 3:52. It shows the gritty and twisted reality that the woman is facing, and how when she looks over her shoulder she sees the Monolith (which is most likely a reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick). It then shifts to the serene and beautiful vision that she sees when the black ooze takes over her vision. Afterwards, it shifts back to show the horror, fear, and anxiety that the woman experiences now looking at the monolith.

I just absolutely love this scene. It conveys so much emotion, tension, and more. It's truly just a masterful expression of so many emotions like:

  • fear
  • grief
  • anxiety
  • joy
  • glee
  • beauty
  • wonder

The whole video is masterfully directed and performed. It's a masterful video that not only matches the ideas of the song and its lyrics, but shows another face and enhances the message being said. I think that the woman did a wonderful job showing through dance and her actions just how many would act in that situation.

It reminds me of one of my favorite art pieces: Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan made by Ilya Repin. Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan

I mean just look at the emotion. That is true GRIEF, FEAR, and HORROR. That is so powerful. Being able to capture a raw emotion, and to express it in such a fashion is truly incredible.

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