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Logic Programming



  • Assignment 1: Consists of Python files that simulate Prolog running/evaluating boolean statements given in the specified format.

  • Assignment 2: A collection of Exercises to get more familiar with Prolog. Specifically with rules and facts. Files are in Prolog.

  • Assignment 3: A collection of Exercises to get more familiar with Prolog. Specifically with recursion and structures. Files are in Prolog.

  • Assignment 4: Implement a Boolean Evaluator and SAT solver in Prolog.

  • Assignment 5: List Operations in Prolog.

  • Assignment 6: Test Case Generation in Prolog.

  • Assignment 7: Perfoming Logic Programming (Test Case Generation) in Python.

  • The game called Nani Search

  • My version of a text adventure based off of Nani Search

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